Selasa, 24 Mei 2022

Optimasi SEO Blogspot Mempercepat Indeks Google

indeks google

Tips to do a blog SEO search quickly and efficiently so that a blog article or title can be suggested and 100% Google search results can be proven. A new blog or domain can be indexed quickly, even in seconds. Before optimizing a blog in this guide, we recommend that you first learn the meaning and simple methods, like this simple tip you gave me.

Off-page SEO is a quick way to index the articles and blogs I use. In order for this technique to work on your blog, I strongly advise you to carefully study the terms of Blogspot.
1. The meaning of the term indexing in search engines
An index is the process of obtaining and writing an article by a search engine on a data server.
Submission is the process of submitting an article to a search engine through the article submission form and search engine terms.
A crawler is a search engine tool to crawl or crawl the full content of our blog articles. Other names are Robot, Google Bot, etc.
Presentation is the prose of presenting the relationship of keywords when the search engine displays the search results.
Re-indexing is the process of rewriting the content of an article on a search engine's data server.
Regarding the term indexing, see the article that explains how search engines work .
2. Who is the debt indicator
How to make articles reach young and fast search engines provided they meet the following criteria:
→ Articles or blog articles have been submitted to the search engine webmaster tools through the submission form.
বন্ধ Articles or blogs must have a meta tag indicator in the Blogger or Blogspot panel menu settings.

3. Google index explanation and rescheduling time
The time to compare new articles is relatively short if you re-index the old articles. Moreover, if the article has not been redacted or searched for a long time, it may take a long time to re-index the article.
The time for a new article to appear is about 2-3 days after publication. At the same time, rescheduling old articles takes longer than indexing new articles, as rescheduling times are more varied and depend on the condition of your site or blog.
If you visit the old article the next time or visit more than once and the resulting article does not change, you will likely never see that article again. This is because the bot notices that there is no change in the content of the article for a certain period of time.
In order for bots to reschedule visited articles on a website or blog, you can try some of the Google indexing and rescheduling methods below.
4. Fast indexing and rescheduling techniques by search engines
A: Use a URL submitter (Browse Like Google)
One of the SEO ways to speed up the indexing and re-indexing process at Google is to submit the URL to Google. Submit the URL to Google using Google Webmaster Tools, which you can use in the Crawl > Get As Google menu. A complete guide to accessing URLs with Get as Google can be found in two ways to index Google articles by number of seconds .

B. Use the best ping service
The ping of the website succeeds in contacting the Google search engine to display the specified URL Custom URL In this case, there is a URL that you want to index or re-index. Take advantage of the best Bing SEO service for our website .

c. Share media files on social networks
By sharing articles on social networks, Google bots will see your articles, especially if your articles are published frequently and become a topic of discussion for many people, and search engines will consider indexing or re-indexing the article.

5. Conclusion
Google's decision to address the indexing and re-indexing of an article or website sooner or later. To use this Webmaster Tools feature, see the Google Choose As guide. To change the title of an old article, you have to go through a long process. Switching from HTTP to https also affects when a page is indexed. Old blogs like blogs need special handling because you have to pay attention to webmaster tools directory. When friends create a new blog, the post address must be sent directly to https. How to index Blogspot SEO articles How to index a Google Blogger blog and blog. Hope this is useful and useful, share it with your friends.
Update December 4, 2018

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